A MASSIVE disruption is coming to grocery stores in 2021...
“New Automation Cuts Grocery Store Labor Costs and Skyrockets Profit Margins by as much as 45%”
Backed by Top Universities in Israel, Madrid and more. . .
With the launch of the Amazon Fresh grocery chain store in August 2020, Amazon has begun its plans of taking over the global grocery shopping industry.
Local grocery store owners must find a way to adapt - or DIE. And now, one
startup - backed by world-renown experts - has pioneered a way for making automation affordable for any grocery store.
If you're a grocery store owner, this may be your last line of defense before Amazon drives you out of business. If you're an investor, this may be your greatest investment opportunity in 2021.
Here are the facts.
Amazon knows one of the biggest keys to its monster success is efficient inventory control.
Amazon also knows the biggest cost and error source is employees.
This is why Amazon uses robots to cut labor costs and inventory errors down to the bone-
Robots work 24/7, make fewer errors, never get sick or tired, don't ask for benefits, raises, or compensations.
Their employers don’t pay payroll tax.
Plus, robots never go on strike or sue the company.
Robots are the ultimate
This is how Amazon became the ultra-profitable online retail giant.
This is how Amazon became the world’s fastest-growing company.
And this is how Amazon plans to dominate the global grocery industry!
Whether it succeeds or not, one thing is certain.
Grocery shopping is about to go through massive change.
A Long Overdue Transformation
Grocery shopping, a $4.3Tn global industry, has pretty much stayed the same for decades. But now, with Amazon storming this industry, it’s about to radically change.
You see, every grocery store faces 4 BIG profit-killing problems. Careful research of US grocery stores reveals the following facts:
Big Problem #1:
Human Labor Costs
According to Glasdoor.com, every supermarket employee costs $2476 per month in salary plus benefits.
(Not including additional costs such as sick and vacation days, insurance premiums, payroll taxes, hazard pay, etc.)
The average U.S. supermarket employs 69.76 workers.
Which means this amounts to a minimum of $170,258 in monthly employment cost!
Big Problem #2:
Out of stock items
Harvard Business Review study finds nearly half of intended purchases are lost when customers encounter stock-outs.
For the average U.S. grocery store, those abandoned purchases add up to $713,170 a year in lost sales.
The same study found that 7 in 10 out-of-stock items were due to faulty in-store ordering and restocking practices.
Monthly cost: $59,430
Big Problem #3:
Produce waste
Would you believe 40% of the food produced in the US every year is thrown away?
It’s true!
And more than half of that wasted food is unsold fruits and vegetables.
This adds up to a whopping $47,215 in losses for the average American grocery store, every month.
Big Problem #4:
Poor customer service
If there’s one thing Amazon teaches us, it’s that customer service is critical.
In fact, One-third of consumers say they would consider switching companies after just one instance of bad customer service.
On the other side of the scale, studies show that companies who excel at customer experience drive revenues 4%-8% higher than their market.
Yet it is estimated that every year, 2.54% of sales are lost due to poor customer service.
For the average U.S. grocery store, that adds up to $452,863 a year in lost sales.
(And that doesn’t even factor in the impact of bad reviews this creates.)
Monthly profit loss: $37,738
To sum it all up, these 4 problems are costing every grocery store in the US staggering $144,383 profit loss,
plus $170,258 in employee costs - Every month!
As long as every grocery store suffered from the same problems, these losses seemed to be acceptable - Misery loves company.
But now, with Amazon stepping in the game. . .
The Automation Revolution Is
Coming to All the Grocery Stores!
It's the unstoppable future.
What happened in online retail is about to be repeated in the grocery shopping industry -
Mr. Bezos is changing the game, and local grocery stores are facing a long-overdue crossroads. . .
Adapt - or DIE!
Every grocery store owner must find a way to dramatically cut costs, and increase profit margins, or get slaughtered by the giant retail monster.
The big grocery chains are already experimenting with robotic automation.
You may have heard about the “Marty” robot cruising the isles at Walmart, or the “Tally” robot checking inventory at Schnucks. . .
However, that won’t cut it against Amazon.
You see, those robots only audit shelves, and alert workers to out of stock items. So, while this may take care of one of the four problems above-
the rest remains unsolved, and since employees are still needed to restock the shelves themselves - no labor costs are saved.
But right now, a deep-tech startup, backed by a worldwide team of robotics automation experts, has pioneered a unique solution for almost every grocery store owner who wants to stay in business.
Meet The Greatest Robotics
Team Ever Assembled
Super Robotics, a deep-tech startup, is the only company that’s managed to come up with a full, cost-effective solution for the grocery market.
The reason for that is solving all 4 problems mentioned above requires not just one, but a whole team of robots, doing multiple tasks together.
So, in the last 4 years, Super Robotics has researched and come up with a unique, affordable solution - A Grocery Robot Dream Team!
It’s a team of no less than 5 different robots.
And as you’ll see in a minute, each of these 5 robots is designed to do certain tasks, and all 5 work together to maximize grocery store profits.
And here’s the best part.
Super Robotics is in the process of building all 5 robots by the end of 2021...
At a fraction of what it normally costs to build just one robot!
That’s right. It takes the Super Robotics team 1/4 the time and 1/10 the cost it takes any of their competitors. Which means. . .
Store owners will be able to rent these robots at a ridiculously low price, compared to the huge profits they’ll make!
This is a unique opportunity for any store owner to finally cut costs and increase their profit margins by as much as 45% - in an affordable way.
As you’ll see, any store owner who wants to not only stay in business - but actually thrive and become much more profitable in the next year - will want this solution as fast as they can get it!
And investors who seize this opportunity, and get in on this upcoming global trend (while it’s still under the radar), will reap the rewards of this once-in-a-generation opportunity.
Not when you hear about Super Robotics' secret development process.
Super Robotics’ Secret
Instead of focusing on R&D and burning boatloads of cash (as usually done in deep-tech startups), Super Robotics cuts time and costs through a development process they invented, called Crowd-Inventing.
Crowd-Inventing is Super Robotics’ way of partnering with robotic parts manufacturers.
This way, Super Robotics secures extremely low prices on robot parts, and their partners get a steady supply route.
Crowd-Inventing is also how Super Robotics gets world-class R&D collaboration with the best robot technology research institutes in the world.
Super Robotics collaborates with world-renowned researchers from some of the top universities in the world, such as the Carlos III University in Madrid.
This academic collaboration between Super Robotics and these researchers makes sure the company’s robots never get outdated.
They’re always at the cutting edge of technology - at almost no additional costs to the company’s grocery store clients.
Super Robotics is the first and only startup company to build technology in such a fast, cost-effective way, and it’s revolutionizing the grocery industry.
The Future Grocery Store
Here’s an illustration of how it will look like just one year from now, when this technology hits the grocery store market.

Hi, I’m Bob, the auditor.
I navigate the store, scan the shelves, and report out-of-stock items to The Restocker and ERP system.
Hi, I’m your autonomous cleaning robot.
I scan the fruits and vegetable aisle to ensure bad produce is isolated and discarded before the whole pile gets rotten.
Since produce accounts for nearly 11 percent of sales, my job saves the supermarket as much as 90% of the waste and $47,215 every month.
Hello, I’m your produce
Hi, I’m your robotic butler.
I’m designed for socializing with shoppers.
An international study found 56% of consumers prefer going to stores over shopping online - if automation makes the store experience more fun and engaging.
The same people confessed they’ll probably spend up to 21% more if automation helped them find product information.
This is why I greet customers at the entrance, help them locate products, and give information about products they’re interested in.
I make sure customers have the best shopping experience!
Greetings! I’m your restocker.
When Bob tells me something’s missing, I immediately get them from the inventory room and put them on the shelf.
Bob and I audit and resupply the shelves 5 times faster and 46% more accurate than humans.
Greetings! I’m your restocker.
Your local grocery store, 1 year from now:
A fully-automated, maximally-profitable business. If you are viewing this on your PC, hover over any robot you see to discover what it does, and how much money
it saves your local grocery store.
Just imagine. . .
Within 1 year from now, grocery store owners will have shelf auditing, restocking, cleaning, produce control, and customer service -
all fully automated!
Store owners won’t have to pay nearly as much payroll taxes, insurance premiums, and other employee benefits as they are now.
These robots work 24/7 and can take care of online order operations, too.
It’s easy to see that every grocery store owner, who will have this technology in their store, will drive their competition out of business - and acquire all their customers.
Here’s How to Get
Your Robot Trial Right NOW
Super Robotics has an aggressive plan to get these robots out to market by end of 2021.
The first robot - The Auditor (nicknamed ‘Bob’) - is already fully operational and ready for testing in stores.
Here’s Bob doing a shelf audit:

As you can see, Bob (and all the other robots) is fully autonomous.
Super Robotics takes care of all robot maintenance issues in the stores.
The company is currently selecting a few early adopters to try out prototypes in their stores.
As of now, Super Robotics is still accepting investments to fund rapid expansion, because some very private market research indicates that...
This Technology Is Literally
Going To Swamp The Global
Grocery Industry!
If you would like to have more information on this exciting company, you are welcome to leave your name and email address below.
If you are a supermarket owner, and you are interested in having ‘Bob’ demonstrated in your store, please apply for a trial demo by clicking 'Contact' below.
When you do, you’ll be personally contacted and notified when the opportunity is available.